Let’s explore some of the wisdom & tools you can use on your journey.

These are the same wisdom & tools that I and thousands of others have used to EVOLVE: heal your body & stay healthy, connect with the power of your Soul, and give & receive more love in all areas of your life – self-love, relationships, money, passions, purpose/career, spirituality.

So rest assured, these tools are proven. And they are gentle, too (I have been using & teaching them since 2008).

Get started with your Blueprint Guide below, then watch or listen to your lessons. Also carve out time daily to use one or more of the tools below.

Then to receive deeper support from me to heal your body & trauma plus co-create the life your Soul desires, please fill out this form. I will then reach out to schedule a 30 minute time to talk with you about how I might best support you.

I am so excited to guide you on your journey!

Sending you love, compassion, & courage, Tanya 🙂

Tool #1 – Your 10 Keys Blueprint Guide, Lessons

Tool #2 – Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice

Listen to the guided therapeutic meditation practice to connect with all parts of you/your Soul/Divine Team, release emotions, shift limiting beliefs & plant the seeds of truth.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided meditations (when you join one of my programs, you’ll receive specific practices for each Key, 3P, etc.). If you’re never tried meditation before, that’s totally okay – I will walk you through what to do in the lesson. Find a quiet spot, and lie down or sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. You can cover yourself with a light blanket and use an eye pillow if you like. (Note: don’t listen while you’re driving). It’s okay if you fall asleep and don’t hear a word — that actually works even better sometimes. You can’t do this wrong.

Try listening to the meditation every day for a week and notice any changes mentally, physically, emotionally (Listen 2-3 times a day for even bigger shifts). Listen in the morning to feel motivated, confidant, or understand and release a negative body symptom. Listen in the afternoon as a re-charge, clearing out, or a nurturing nap. Listen after work to release stress and have more energy. Listen at bedtime to improve sleep and connect with healing or guidance.

Tool #3 – Guided Self-Healing Process

Listen to the guided process to heal your past wounds, shift your limiting beliefs & fears, and plant seeds of truth on a deeper level.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided self-healing processes (when you join one of my programs, you’ll receive a process specific to each program Key, 3P, etc.). It is best listened to in a quiet space, a comfortable seated position, and with your eyes closed. Many like listening while taking an epsom salt bath (including me). This is a tool that will support you to show up for your inner child, like an unconditionally loving parent would. It is deeply loving & healing.

Tool #4 – Truth Activation Loop

Listen to the truth activation to plant the seeds daily.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided truth loops (once you since up for a program, you will receive specific loops for each Key, 3P, etc.). I recommend to listen every morning, and any time you need to shift your attitude or want to feel more loved & supported.

Tanya Penny, OTR is an Illness & Trauma Guide, Spiritual Alchemist, and Author of Connect with The Divine You book & journals. She teaches, empowers, and supports you to fully love & be your true Self, heal your body & past trauma, and wake up to the powerful Soul that you are using her Mind-Body-Soul methodology. For 25 years, Tanya experienced anxiety, depression, pain, and had issues with weight/eating disorders. In 2004, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That was her first wake-up call that there were some deeper issues in need of love, attention, and release, that medications, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions couldn’t touch. It wasn’t easy (she had to peel back the layers and really look into her Self) and it wasn’t quick (it took years), but she completely healed. Tanya believes there is a place and time for Western medicine, but if you are 100% committed to healing all areas of your life, then it is time to connect with your Soul as well. Now, she teaches the Therapeutic Meditation Process™ (T.M.P.), The 3P’s™, and The EVOLVE Keys™, trusting that they will find their way into the hearts and lives of those who need it, and are ready to go deeper on their journey.

Disclaimer: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC., and any and all associates of Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC., shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Where specific examples are quoted from individuals there is no guarantee implied or otherwise that you will do as well. In the event that you use the information for your own health, you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right and for which the author and publisher of this program assume no responsibility. The information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment.