Cultivating gratitude for all in our life (on a daily basis) supports us to heal our body, feel happier & to receive more in all areas of our lives- relationships, money/material, passions, purpose, spirituality.
Watch the short video above as I speak more on the importance of gratitude and how to cultivate more of it- even for the “bad” or challenging stuff. Then find more gratitude goodies to support you below.
I’m grateful that you are a part of my community.
xoxo Tanya 🙂
Tips & Tools to Cultivate Your Attitude of Gratitude All Year Long:
1) Take time each morning & evening to write/speak what you are grateful for today (include yourself!).
2) Take time daily to look at the stuff in your life that your ego would call “bad” or challenging. What gifts, lessons, or opportunities to heal & grow might these situations and people be providing for you?
3) Share often with the people in your life why you are grateful for and appreciate them.
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