Hello and happy new year! I’m Tanya Penny, your change catalyst and freedom coach. So in my last video, I gave you a couple of suggestions to help you move into 2014 with excitement, but also to celebrate 2013. I’m going to quickly recap those steps and we’re going to add to it today.
1. Write down all of your achievements and progress in the five areas of your life: health, relationships (with others, self and higher self), money, business and life purpose.
2. Write down all of your goals and visions for 2014, again in each of the five categories.
3. Write down what you need to release so that you can move forward into 2014 and move towards your vision. Do you need to release fear? Doubt? Scarcity beliefs? We all have things that hold us back, right? After you’re finished writing these down, burn them in your grill or in a campfire … any safe place.
4. For each of the goals you’ve written down, write down some small steps you can take to move toward that vision, in whatever category it might be. Maybe your goal is to be healthier in 2014. That’s not specific enough, so I’m going to ask you to go back through your vision and write out some more specific sentences of what it is you want. Then write down one to five small steps you can take to help you move toward that.
So for example, maybe your goal was to have a healthier body, so one small step would be to eat two servings of vegetables every day: one at lunch and one at dinner. That’s a very small and specific step you can take in this direction. If increasing money is your goal, maybe putting $25 into a savings account each month is a step. These are just examples that are flying off the top of my head. If you work with me one-on-one we can go into a lot more detail with these.
5. I don’t want you to start everything all at once. So, decide which one to two areas you’re going to start with this week. What small steps are you going to take this week? We often set ourselves up for failure by trying to do too much at once. So choose only a few steps this week. And that is something I help my one-on-one clients with is creating and managing those small steps.
I also wrote some more tips I want to share with you to help you be successful towards actually making your 2014 vision come true for you.
1. Make sure the goals and the vision you’re putting out there are actually yours. A lot of times we get things in our heads that we think we should do. These goals and visions should come from your heart, not someone else’s. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Don’t be scared to have a big vision. You have a whole year.
2. Progress, not perfection. A lot of us have perfectionist issues and we are going to fall off the wagon at times. We’ll see that and say, “Oh look at that. I didn’t do it. Eff it. Screw it.” Don’t let that happen to you. It’s going to happen. We’re human. Love yourself. Give yourself compassion and get back on.
3. Post your vision, your goals in a place you can see on a daily basis. We know that what we see daily tends to come to us more quickly. I brought along my vision board here. I’m still working on mine. It’s a work in progress and yours can be too. I like to look at this every day to remind myself of what I have going on. I’ve got my book title. I’m writing and publishing a book this year. This is happening, so I put this on my vision board. I have lots of other goals on here: Oprah Soul Sunday, money, travel. I believe vision or energy boards need to be in your face. Post it on your bathroom mirror. Pictures, goals, written words. Whatever works for you.
4. Give yourself permission to add or change your goals throughout the year. You may find that something really isn’t working for you. You might say, “This isn’t really what I wanted, I want this instead.” You are allowed to change and add to your goals.
5. Be aware of your sexy excuses and saboteur beliefs. They usually include self-doubt. When you come up against them, write them down. Don’t judge yourself for them. The awareness of what is holding you back is huge, and I really help my one-on-one clients to realize them. Most of us set goals and then they don’t happen and we don’t know why. It’s the sexy excuses and the sneaky saboteur beliefs that hold us back.
6. Get an accountability buddy, friend or coach to help you move forward so you can actually create your vision for this year. I have two coaches that help me; one in my business and one in my personal life. I also have an accountability buddy. All of us need support.
I’m wishing you a happy 2014 full of excitement, purpose and prosperity — a life of ultimate freedom.
Click HERE to get the support and tools you need to create your life of passion and freedom you desire in 2014!