Hello, I’m Tanya Penny, Occupational Therapist, Vibrant Body & Abundant Life Coach. In this post we will be focusing on Key #1 of the Vibrant Body and Abundant Life Blueprint – Your Beliefs. If you haven’t signed-up to learn about all 10 keys yet, you can receive the 10 Keys Blueprint Guide, audio lesson and guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice by clicking here.
In this post, we are going to talk about why it’s important to discover your beliefs, where these beliefs come from, as well as tips & tools you can start using today to discover your beliefs and begin shifting them.
Why take the time to discover and shift your beliefs? We’re going to begin today and then go more deeply in the Vibrant Body & Abundant Body Mastery program. I invite you to check it out at the link below. The truth is that your beliefs 100% affect your behavior and your actions (or lack of). Your beliefs also cause emotions. They can cause happiness, peace or fear, anxiety, depression, anger (fill in the blank). If your beliefs are not in alignment with your true self, they’re holding you back in one or more life areas. That is how we end up eventually getting sick, because we’re not acting from a place of our heart’s desire, soul’s desire, our authentic self. We’re acting from those ego conditioned, limiting beliefs which are full of negativity, scarcity, etc. That’s why you want to take the time to discover and then learn tools to shift your beliefs.
Where do beliefs come from? In a nutshell, they come from family, religion, cultures, society. Also from past experiences you had where something traumatic, unpleasant, or challenging happens…and then you make up a story, a “belief” around why that happened. You’re usually not conscious/aware that you’re doing that, it just automatically happens. That’s the way the mind works.
We have beliefs in each of seven life areas: Self (how we talk to and treat ourselves), Health (mind and body), Love/Relationships, Spirituality, Money/Material, Passions (hobbies) and Purpose/Career. When you’re working with me in a program, one of the things I do is help you to uncover those self-limiting beliefs that you’ve been holding onto that have ultimately made you sick, whether it’s anxiety, depression, weight gain, addiction (many addictions) or an illness like Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, thyroid, you name it.
Here are some tips and tools that you can start using today to begin to shift your beliefs.
1) First discover what beliefs you hold. There are a couple of ways to do this. Look at your past history. When looking at a certain life area, you want to ask yourself “given what I saw and heard, what happened to me, and/or how I was treated or not treated when I was growing up, what belief might I hold about myself and that life area”?
Then look at your current reality. For example, look at your relationships/love. Let’s say that you’re in a relationship that is very controlling, maybe verbally abusive. A Lot of my clients have suffered from abuse in the past and are currently in what I would consider to be an abusive relationship- control, manipulation, verbal and maybe even physical and/or sexual. If you are in that type of relationship, I’m guaranteeing that you must be holding a belief that says, I’m not good enough, I deserve to be treated that way (some combo of that), because you were treated a certain way growing up, maybe you didn’t receive respect, maybe you were controlled or abused growing up. There are many beliefs, but I am just picking the most common. If you’re struggling with finding the belief, a lot of people come to me so that I can help them discover what those beliefs are. I look at your history, and your current reality, and I can find the belief. That’s part of my genius, my intuition, my talent. There are going to be a few core ones, it’s not like we have to go through a million beliefs to fix or shift it.
2) Once you find the beliefs, write them down. Don’t leave them just running around in your head, face them. Then write an opposite truth, even if you don’t believe it right now.
3) Next learn tools to support you to shift them. Many people use EFT or one of many other tools. One of the tools that I teach is the Guided Therapeutic Meditation practice. . The cool thing is that you don’t have to stay awake as you listen, because beliefs are held in the subconscious mind and more easily accessed when asleep. If you fall asleep, it’s still working and possibly even better. Other times you’ll stay awake and that’s ok too. Sometimes we’re meant to shift them more consciously.
Get started with those tips and tools today, and then if you want more guidance, support, wisdom and tools check out the programs below.
If you have any questions or want to chat with me to see if one of my programs is a good fit for you, email me at tanya@tanyapenny.com.
If you know of anyone else this may resonate with or maybe they need this message, please feel free to share this with others.
I look forward to supporting you!
xoxo Tanya 🙂