Welcome Self-Love Seeker!

I’m beyond happy and excited that you are here and making loving YOU a priority.

First, watch the intro video to begin your Self-Love journey.

Then listen to the audio on Self-Love & Time and watch the live workshop.

ClassesAlso use (3) of my most powerful tools below … to support you to more fully love yourself and receive more love in ALL areas of your life.

You can access all below through April 12.

If you’d like to continue to go deeper and receive more Self-Love support from me, please join me for the EVOLVE Journey program. Doors are open through April 12.

Sending you lots of love, compassion & courage, xoxo Tanya 🙂

Welcome & Introduction

Self-Love & Time

Listen to the audio.

Live Workshop

Self-Love Tool #1 – Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice

Listen to the guided therapeutic meditation practice to connect with & accept all parts of you and clear limiting beliefs that keep you from fulling loving you.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided meditations (when you join a Key/program below, you’ll receive specific practices to each). If you’re never tried meditation before, that’s totally okay – I will walk you through what to do in the lesson. Find a quiet spot, and lie down or sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. You can cover yourself with a light blanket and use an eye pillow if you like. (Note: don’t listen while you’re driving). It’s okay if you fall asleep and don’t hear a word — that actually works even better sometimes. You can’t do this wrong.

Try listening to the meditation every day for a week and notice any changes mentally, physically, emotionally (Listen 2-3 times a day for even bigger shifts). Listen in the morning to feel motivated, confidant, or understand and release a negative body symptom. Listen in the afternoon as a re-charge, clearing out, or a nurturing nap. Listen after work to release stress and have more energy. Listen at bedtime to improve sleep and connect with healing or guidance.

Self-Love Tool #2 – Guided Self-Healing Process

Listen to the guided process to heal deeper layers of the past wounds that have kept you from fully loving yourself.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided self-healing processes (when you join a program below, you’ll receive a process specific to each program Key/topic). It is best listened to in a quiet space, a comfortable seated position, and with your eyes closed. Many like listening while taking an epsom salt bath (including me). This is a tool that will support you to show up for your inner child, like an unconditionally loving parent would. It is deeply loving & healing.

Self-Love Tool #3 – Truth Activation Loop

Listen to this truth activation to plant the seeds of Self-Love daily.

Instructions: This is a sample of one of my guided truth loops. I recommend to listen every morning, and any time you need to shift your attitude or want to feel more loved & supported.