What Tanya’s Clients Are Saying…

Working with Tanya has helped me transform my life in multiple ways.

Jayne Williams (125x160)

"Before coaching with Tanya, I was in deep crisis. I felt anxious, sad, unfocused, unmotivated, and completely unable to trust my instincts and my decision making processes. I'd been stifling my feelings about love, work, and myself for so long that I just broke down. I was hospitalized for pneumonia and missed weeks of work, unable to recover my strength and energy.

Working with Tanya has helped me transform my life in multiple ways. I was super skeptical about working with a coach, but Tanya's blend of practicality, compassion, smarts, spirituality, and humor helped me overcome my fears and get out of some rough places.

In the last 13 months, I've gotten clear about what I want and need in my life. I had the courage to leave a marriage that was no longer working for me; changed my tendency to overwork in a job that doesn't inspire me; got a handle on money issues; started planning a new career, and boosted my health. I have a lot more trust and confidence in myself, and I'm able to communicate my feelings and my needs. I take better care of myself physically and mentally, realizing for the first time in my life that it's not selfish to put my needs first. I don't beat myself up anymore either.

I feel confident that I'm creating a kick-ass life for myself. I'm in a relationship with a guy who gets me, loves me, supports me, and is incredibly fun. I feel happy and open to the world again. When I do feel sad, scared, or any other negative emotion, I now have the tools to figure out the root cause and a way to move forward. Tanya's 1:1 support as well as the "Vibrant Body & Abundant Life" community have been absolutely vital for me in making these huge positive transitions in my life."


Working with Tanya for the last 12 years has changed my life in the best ways possible.

Working with Tanya for the last 12 years has changed my life in the best ways possible. I first came in the door wanting to heal my ongoing stomach issues (and I did!). Tanya helped me see what was at the root... I used to tiptoe around speaking up for myself and didn't know the best way to handle difficult conversations. I would take on the other person's stress and immediately try to solve their problems in order for me to feel safe during the conversation. Now, I utilize the tools from Tanya's Journey program to help me feel safe no matter what the situation or persons I am around. This is huge because I am still working on healing deeper layers of anxiety, people pleasing, and trying to fix others' problems BUT, I now catch myself a lot quicker than I did in the past. Tanya's program builds in lots of layers of support, so if you need more support one month, you can get it! It's not a one-size fits all program which I love. It is truly geared towards what you need. Tanya knows what questions to ask and how to listen to your struggles (and wins!) so that she can provide you with the most nurturing support possible. I have never felt judged in my entire time working with her 1:1, on retreats, and in virtual group classes. I have only seen her practice a lot of compassion and acceptance for her clients, herself, plus she continues to be a role model as she continues to share her own healing journey too. She has helped me in many ways and the most important for me thus far is that I have learned to accept all parts of me. So even though I used to feel unsafe and scared to speak my truth, I'm learning to have compassion for and accept that part of me as I continue to learn, grow, and heal.
Laura S.
Coach For Mom's (And Mom's To Be)

Tanya helped me more in a few weeks than others have in years...

KatyI highly recommend working with Tanya! She has helped me more in a few weeks than others have in years. I had been suffering from grief, physical health problems from Multiple Sclerosis, and past trauma issues while also transitioning from my day job to my own business. It all came up! Once she introduced me to her mind-body healing tools most of my symptoms stopped almost immediately. It was like my spirit finally felt heard and no longer needed to scream for attention. I have also had more clients sign up to work with me in 2 weeks than I had been getting per month. I plan to continue working with Tanya. Life is always changing and it's nice to have someone right by your side to support you. Thank you Tanya, for everything you've done to help me find my road to happiness.

Katy Costa
Holistic Health Coach

My physical symptoms continue to improve and I've made gains in all areas of my life...

Since I began working with Tanya, I feel I have grown in so many ways that I would have never considered. The thought that my illness could have stemmed from my deep commitment to self-criticism and lack of self-love, and martyring myself as a “beast of burden” had never occurred to me. The onset of symptoms included visual and hearing loss, capped with facial paralysis. After extensive work-ups from experts, a “professional opinion” of Multiple Sclerosis was all I had. Given there was no hard evidence pointing to this assumption, I proceeded to look elsewhere for answers. In reflection, I absolutely believe my symptoms were the product of an unattainable goal of “perfection,” extreme stress—and guilt for decisions and choices that didn’t support that goal—and the fact that regardless of whether I succeeded or failed at a physical or mental endeavor, it was never good enough. This resulted in me physically breaking myself down, both in body and spirit. I believe I achieved critical mass when I became ill with a recurring virus two months prior to the onset of my symptoms. Without a doubt I feel this perfect storm of personal behaviors, coupled with a trigger, led to my symptoms.

While working with Tanya over the past 10 months, my physical symptoms have continued to improve, and I feel I have made gains in all areas of my life. Not only do I feel more at peace with my current circumstances and my contributions to such circumstances, but I have become a more patient and loving father, a more cooperative husband, and a compassionate caregiver. I have also learned to give myself some slack, I expect progress and not perfection, and I love my life for what I have, and don’t dwell on what I do not have. Tanya’s tools, especially the therapeutic meditation practices, are effective at helping me find positive daily mindsets, and rebounding daily during stressful episodes. They also quickly guide me to restful sleep at night. I’m grateful for the guidance and tools Tanya has given me.

Joe W.
Physical Therapist

I highly recommend working with Tanya for a more successful business and life!

camille-herreraI am so grateful to have to Tanya Penny as my coach. When I started my consulting business I had no idea that the hardest thing wouldn't be sales but learning how to let go of perfection so that every project didn't take me two or three times as along as I had estimated. With Tanya's support, I've learned how to identify when I'm going into "analysis paralysis" and perfection and avoid, or at least stop doing them faster, using the tools Tanya has taught me to ground myself. If you struggle with perfection and overwhelm, I highly recommend working with Tanya for a more successful business and life!

Camille Herrera
CH Consulting

The missing link in my healing process...

kendall-noquotesIt has been a mind-blowing experience to see and feel the difference after working with Tanya for only 2 months. My level of anxiety went from extremely high to almost non-existent. I feel more present in my body and with the people that I love. I had many different types of support in the past (meditation, therapy, acupuncture, yoga, etc.) to stay in balance, but coaching with Tanya and using the Therapeutic Meditation Process and guided practices feels like the missing link in my healing process. Her process brings together the best aspects of Eastern philosophy and Western psychology into a super easy to use method. The impacts are immediate and deep. On top of all of that Tanya's kindness, patience and insight keep you feeling supported through the entire process. I feel I am gaining skills and tools that will benefit me for a lifetime!

Kendall H

I am living proof that the mind/body way of healing is achievable...

Annik Archambault
Working with Tanya has been incredibly life changing! I have made so much progress in the last 16 months! I honestly feel that I couldn't have done it without her support and guidance and accountability. When we started working together, I'd just had a full hip replacement surgery at the age of 39 and this caused the Multiple Sclerosis to flare up and my doctor wanted me to start taking disease modifying drugs. I was also on medication for chronic migraines and a pain reliever for 15 years. I knew I wanted to heal and not use medications any longer. With Tanya by my side, I started to delve deeper into emotional healing and acquired many tools to support me.

After 15 years on my healing journey, I just had my first "normal" neurological exam!!! I am off all medications with no symptoms except fatigue when I overdo it. I am still working with Tanya to shift this "superwoman" pattern. I am further living proof that the mind/body healing and natural way not only works but is achievable by anyone looking to take their health into their own hands. I couldn't have done it without Tanya Penny. Thank you Tanya, from the bottom of my heart! I will be eternally grateful to you helping people heal the natural way.

Annik A.

I recommend Tanya highly...

“My experience with Tanya has been one of true success. Tanya has taught me to use the Therapeutic Meditation Process as a way to expose and cope with my performance anxiety. She has also given me the tools to deal with personal issues such as verbal and physical abuse, and most importantly a relapse of my eating disorder that threatened my career. Tanya Penny’s work is one of true importance and I recommend working with her with the highest regard.”
Daniel S.
Graduate Student

I am living my purpose and a more balanced life thanks to Tanya!

anne_headshot_noquote Since Tanya and I have been coaching together, my life has changed in so many positive ways. I began working with Tanya in the midst of a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis and the recent passing of my father. Tanya taught me how to feel and heal my physical and emotional pain (fear, grief, and guilt) that were causing my negative body symptoms. I also had long standing body image and weight issues. I am learning to accept myself just as I am and to celebrate and nurture my body using her Therapeutic Meditation Process (T.M.P.). No longer do I allow the scale to dictate how I feel about myself or what kind of day I will have. She has taught me how to connect with myself and make me a priority. I even got the courage to follow my heart and become a yoga teacher! I highly recommend coaching with Tanya Penny; her work is life changing!
Anne H.
Yoga Teacher

Thanks to Tanya, I have my life back!

lavada_noquotes When I first started working with Tanya, I was miserably overweight and wanted desperately to do something about it, but just didn’t know how. I had tried several diets and even though I had successfully lost weight in the past, I gained it all back and then some. In the beginning, I resisted working with Tanya because I didn’t want to face the ugly truth about my eating habits and how I had let myself go. But, I knew I couldn’t continue to let my weight negatively impact my family and my business. So, I just did it. And within only two weeks, I saw phenomenal results and felt great! Thanks to Tanya, I have my life back! More drive and energy to play with my daughter. No more body shame. I can go out in public and look and feel fabulous. Although I still have a ways to go on my weight loss journey, I love my body more and more every day and know I’ll get there soon (and without dieting!) Couldn’t have done it without you, Tanya. You saved my life."
Lavada Thompson
Owner of Your Lucrative Launch

Healthier life balance, more energy, focus, and creativity in my business…

amy_headshot_noquoteI have had such a great, life-changing experience coaching with Tanya Penny and using the Therapeutic Meditation Process(TMP)®. She has helped me to gain clarity and a sense of direction in transforming my personal life and business, as well as creating a healthier life balance with more energy, focus, and creativity. She has also taught me tools to easily break through self-limiting beliefs so that I am more confident in running my design business with balance— which in turn has helped me to attract my ideal clients and accept projects that are both lucrative and fulfilling. I highly recommend coaching with Tanya Penny if you are ready to take your life and your business to the next level.”

Amy GreenSky
GreenSky + Co.

I feel empowered and healthy!

brooke-noquotesWhat a blessing it has been to work with Tanya Penny! Following a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in June of 2013 I found myself overwhelmed. Along with the diagnosis I was given a recommended list of drug therapy options and all of the crazy side effects attached to those. Yikes! I wanted to heal but I knew I did not want to put those drugs into my body. A good friend recommended I work with Tanya right away. Coaching with Tanya has not only been healing for me, but the positive energy and attitude the guided therapeutic meditation practices and  mindset coaching have instilled in me has been contagious with my husband and so many of the people I surround myself with. I feel empowered and healthy! Aside from treating the MS symptoms I am thrilled with the confident and positive person my work with Tanya has allowed me to become. Thank you Tanya! You are a blessing!

Brooke Howard
Music Educator and Musician

I've released 20+ pounds, more than 75% of the weight I couldn't shift for years!

I originally started Tanya's program in early 2015 to heal chronic illness, but then decided to also focus on releasing excess weight in March 2016. I've known since listening to Tanya's classes that even though my adrenal glands and thyroid were recovering, a missing key was mindset: specifically my self-worth. Through Tanya's classes and the Therapeutic Meditation Process (TMP), I've learned to love myself just as I am and focus on nurturing me. In six months, I've released 20+ pounds which is more than 75% of the weight I'd gained and couldn't shift for years! I went for a walk in the woods with my dog the other weekend and felt so light and free. THANK YOU Tanya, for showing up just when I needed you!

Ellouise H.

I'm beyond grateful that my pain has substantially improved...

When I signed up to work with Tanya, I had many goals, one was to lower my back pain. Along the way, I've addressed other past issues that I thought I had talked about enough. I learned that many of the hurtful situations I've had over the years were not fully healed and were causing the pain in my lower back (which I've had for 29 years). I was diligent in using the Therapeutic Meditation Process to release that pain. I'm beyond grateful that my pain has substantially improved. If a twinge comes up, I use the Therapeutic Meditation Process, and the next morning I'm feeling good. Other wins include: my perfectionistic patterns are also being laid to rest, I'm expressing my wants/needs/desires, I no longer try to fix other people's problems (most of the time), and stay out of chaotic family relationships that are not mine to mediate (a pattern I learned as a child). Thank you Tanya. With your program and support I have come so far this past year and will continue to use the tools and all I have learned.

Patty S.

Tanya's techniques are truly effective...

I have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was very young. The past couple of years I have experienced some difficult and stressful life transitions which increased my stress level to the point where I was having a very hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep at night.

After attending Tanya’s workshop and learning the guided Therapeutic Meditation Process, I have been able to use these tools to quiet my mind at night and relax more naturally into sleep. I also feel that the quality of sleep I experience has greatly improved. The techniques she teaches are very easy to implement into your daily routine and truly are effective in helping you live life with a reduced level of stress and anxiety.

Aaron Z.

I’m stronger, more confident, and more in alignment with where I want to go...

In February 2015, I was watching an online interview series on which Tanya was one of the interviewees. I liked her right off. I liked her message. She came across as being genuine, vulnerable, and compassionate. Over the next few days, I found my thoughts gravitating back to the insights Tanya shared during the interview.

I was at a place in my life where I repeatedly experienced deep downs, and I didn’t like being in that place. At this crossroads, I knew I could continue with the status quo and remain lost in my present situation or I could take a deep breath and bravely try something new with someone new. I signed up for Tanya’s year-long “Vibrant Body & Abundant Life Mastery” program to find myself and to discover and recover self-esteem, self-worth, and self-trust.

And so began my year-long commitment to work with Tanya. It wasn’t easy work. At times, it was heart wrenching. I cried many tears, got angry with myself, and, yes, even tried to quit. But I promised not to quit, and Tanya stood by me and didn’t let me give up. Surrounded by Tanya’s guidance, encouragement, and unending support, I continued exploring my past and facing the demons of my present. I dug deep down inside myself and unearthed the roots to many of my beliefs and behaviors. By applying Tanya’s tools and techniques, I was able to look closely at my current self and my past self with new, compassionate eyes. Now, I understand how I can change the course of my life moving forward by navigating my thoughts, behaviors, actions, and reactions in a more positive and loving direction.

I’ve come a long way and I have a lot more to discover about myself. I’m stronger, more confident, and more in alignment with where I want to go as I continue onward towards my future. I continue to nurture and grow my inner strengths and "stick-to-itiveness" using the immense wisdom, tools, and techniques I learned thanks to Tanya’s program. I still occasionally have downward mood swings when I fall back into the all-too-familiar behaviors and beliefs from my past, repeating old patterns and reactions. The difference now, though, is that I don’t stay there for long. When I find myself sliding down that slippery slope, I know how to stop, turn around, and pull myself back up to the life I am meant to have.

Tanya Penny, you are and will forevermore be a bright beacon of light guiding me. I am so grateful I found you. Thank you, sweetie, for helping me reveal the beauty hidden deep inside of me.

Lisa N.

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