Is Your All or Nothing Attitude Holding You Back?
Are you someone who does not acknowledge the small changes or progress you make in your life?
Do you you feel like a failure or do you give up on your goals if you haven’t completed 100% of them?
During the month of January I am going to continue to address goals/resolutions and the attitudes and beliefs that hold us back from reaching them. Through the practice of iRest, I will help you to make the changes you long for.
Many of us hold an ‘all or nothing’ attitude when it comes to making changes and reaching our goals. I believe the 100% perfection attitude often causes us to completely ‘fall off the wagon’ when meeting our goals or making changes in our lives. I believe we often make our goals too big or unattainable and set ourselves up for failure.
For example, let’s say you have a goal to exercise 7 days per week, but you haven’t been exercising at all the past several months. You may have better success if you initially set a smaller goal for 3 days per week. Once you consistently reach the smaller goal, you can add another day to your goal. If you initially set an unattainable goal and you miss a day, you might use this perceived failure as an excuse to beat up on yourself and completely fall off the exercise wagon altogether. You might then fall into a downward spiral and feel like a bigger failure. No wonder many of us get in this vicious cycle and can’t reach our goals to make lasting changes!
Purchase here for an iRest class (discussion/meditation) on healing your ‘all or nothing’ attitude and start making progress towards reaching your goals and making lasting changes in your life.
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