Healing Multiple Sclerosis & Autoimmune Disorders
You don’t have to continue to live this way – fatigue, pain, numbness, weakness, anxiety, depression.
You can feel and be healthy again – body and mind.
Have the energy & focus to do what you love.
Feel happy, peaceful, and passionate.
Discover the Keys to healing your M.S. or Autoimmune symptoms. If I did it, you can too.
Get started today by downloading and reading the first chapters in my “Connect with The Divine You” book, using the guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice daily, and joining me for the live workshop.
Then join me for a program to receive more healing support — details below.
I look forward to supporting you on your journey.
xoxo Tanya 🙂
P.S. Discover all 10 EVOLVE Keys HERE
1) Read the first chapters in my “Connect with The Divine You” book
Download here and read. You can purchase the book and journal HERE.
2) M.S. & Autoimmune Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice
*Guidelines for listening to the guided therapeutic meditation practices: Use a guided T.M.P. practice daily (as a rest break mid-day, after work, and/or at bedtime). Do lying down or sitting. Wearing earbuds is preferred. Remember it is OK to drift off or fall asleep as you don’t have to hear a thing for them to work (deep healing occurs on a subconscious level). Never listen to the guided T.M.P practices while driving or play them out loud while someone else is driving.
3) Self-Healing Process
Click on the PLAY button to listen to the guided process to heal your past wounds, and shift your limiting beliefs & fears on a deeper level.
Instructions: This is a sample of my guided self-healing process (when you join a program below, you’ll receive a process specific to each program Key/topic). It is best listened to in a quiet space, a comfortable seated position, and with your eyes closed. Many like listening while taking an epsom salt bath.
4) Live Class Replay
Listen to the live class replay.
5) Receive more support:
- Release The 3P’s Program
- Connect with The Divine You Program (Key 1)
- CATALYST Program (Choose 3-6 Keys or 3P’s)
- EVOLVE Journey Program (All 10 Keys + 3P’s Program)
*Please contact tanya@tanyapenny.com for questions or if you would like to schedule a time to talk about which option would be best for you.
My physical symptoms continue to improve and I've made gains in all areas of my life...
Since I began working with Tanya, I feel I have grown in so many ways that I would have never considered. The thought that my illness could have stemmed from my deep commitment to self-criticism and lack of self-love, and martyring myself as a “beast of burden” had never occurred to me. The onset of symptoms included visual and hearing loss, capped with facial paralysis. After extensive work-ups from experts, a “professional opinion” of Multiple Sclerosis was all I had. Given there was no hard evidence pointing to this assumption, I proceeded to look elsewhere for answers. In reflection, I absolutely believe my symptoms were the product of an unattainable goal of “perfection,” extreme stress—and guilt for decisions and choices that didn’t support that goal—and the fact that regardless of whether I succeeded or failed at a physical or mental endeavor, it was never good enough. This resulted in me physically breaking myself down, both in body and spirit. I believe I achieved critical mass when I became ill with a recurring virus two months prior to the onset of my symptoms. Without a doubt I feel this perfect storm of personal behaviors, coupled with a trigger, led to my symptoms.
While working with Tanya over the past 10 months, my physical symptoms have continued to improve, and I feel I have made gains in all areas of my life. Not only do I feel more at peace with my current circumstances and my contributions to such circumstances, but I have become a more patient and loving father, a more cooperative husband, and a compassionate caregiver. I have also learned to give myself some slack, I expect progress and not perfection, and I love my life for what I have, and don’t dwell on what I do not have. Tanya’s tools, especially the therapeutic meditation practices, are effective at helping me find positive daily mindsets, and rebounding daily during stressful episodes. They also quickly guide me to restful sleep at night. I’m grateful for the guidance and tools Tanya has given me.
Physical Therapist
Tanya helped me more in a few weeks than others have in years...
I highly recommend working with Tanya! She has helped me more in a few weeks than others have in years. I had been suffering from grief, physical health problems from Multiple Sclerosis, and past trauma issues while also transitioning from my day job to my own business. It all came up! Once she introduced me to her mind-body healing tools most of my symptoms stopped almost immediately. It was like my spirit finally felt heard and no longer needed to scream for attention. I have also had more clients sign up to work with me in 2 weeks than I had been getting per month. I plan to continue working with Tanya. Life is always changing and it's nice to have someone right by your side to support you. Thank you Tanya, for everything you've done to help me find my road to happiness.
Holistic Health Coach
I am living proof that the mind/body way of healing is achievable...
Working with Tanya has been incredibly life changing! I have made so much progress in the last 16 months! I honestly feel that I couldn't have done it without her support and guidance and accountability. When we started working together, I'd just had a full hip replacement surgery at the age of 39 and this caused the Multiple Sclerosis to flare up and my doctor wanted me to start taking disease modifying drugs. I was also on medication for chronic migraines and a pain reliever for 15 years. I knew I wanted to heal and not use medications any longer. With Tanya by my side, I started to delve deeper into emotional healing and acquired many tools to support me.
After 15 years on my healing journey, I just had my first "normal" neurological exam!!! I am off all medications with no symptoms except fatigue when I overdo it. I am still working with Tanya to shift this "superwoman" pattern. I am further living proof that the mind/body healing and natural way not only works but is achievable by anyone looking to take their health into their own hands. I couldn't have done it without Tanya Penny. Thank you Tanya, from the bottom of my heart! I will be eternally grateful to you helping people heal the natural way.
I am living my purpose and a more balanced life thanks to Tanya!
Yoga Teacher
I feel empowered and healthy!
What a blessing it has been to work with Tanya Penny! Following a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in June of 2013 I found myself overwhelmed. Along with the diagnosis I was given a recommended list of drug therapy options and all of the crazy side effects attached to those. Yikes! I wanted to heal but I knew I did not want to put those drugs into my body. A good friend recommended I work with Tanya right away. Coaching with Tanya has not only been healing for me, but the positive energy and attitude the guided therapeutic meditation practices and  mindset coaching have instilled in me has been contagious with my husband and so many of the people I surround myself with. I feel empowered and healthy! Aside from treating the MS symptoms I am thrilled with the confident and positive person my work with Tanya has allowed me to become. Thank you Tanya! You are a blessing!
Music Educator and Musician
Tanya Penny is an Intuitive, Illness & Trauma Guide, and Author of Connect with The Divine You book & journals. She teaches, empowers, and supports you to fully love & be your true Self, heal your body & past trauma, and wake up to the powerful Soul that you are using her Mind-Body-Soul methodology. For 25 years, Tanya experienced anxiety, depression, pain, and had issues with weight/eating disorders. In 2004, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That was her first wake-up call that there were some deeper issues in need of love, attention, and release, that medications, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions couldn’t touch. It wasn’t easy (she had to peel back the layers and really look into her Self) and it wasn’t quick (it took years), but she completely healed. Tanya believes there is a place and time for Western medicine, but if you are 100% committed to healing all areas of your life, then it is time to connect with your Soul as well. Now, she teaches the Therapeutic Meditation Process™ (T.M.P.), Release The 3P’s™, and the 10 EVOLVE Keys™, trusting that they will find their way into the hearts and lives of those who need it, and are ready to go deeper on their journey.
Disclaimer: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC., and any and all associates of Tanya Penny, and/or Yoga for Healing, PLLC., shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Where specific examples are quoted from individuals there is no guarantee implied or otherwise that you will do as well. In the event that you use the information for your own health, you are prescribing for yourself which is your constitutional right and for which the author and publisher of this program assume no responsibility. The information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment.