Trust Yourself {Key #3}
I’m Tanya Penny, Self-Love Catalyst, Vibrant Body and Abundant Life Coach. In this video I will be giving a mini-lesson on Key #3 of the Vibrant Body and Abundant Life Blueprint – Trust Yourself. If you haven’t signed-up to learn about all 10 keys yet, you can receive the Blueprint Guide and Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice by clicking here.
Many of us stopped trusting and following our own guidance from a very early age and for many reasons. For some of us we got in trouble, punished, criticized, maybe even worse, for trying to do so. Some of us had love withheld or maybe other needs that wouldn’t get met if we didn’t do what one or both of our parents wanted us to do…act, speak or be who they wanted us to be vs. doing what our guidance was asking us to do. So, we turned it down or completely off. We began doing what others told us to do to please them, get the love, the treats, the clothes, the car, to get our needs met and perhaps to even be safe. In a nutshell, that’s why most of us stopped listening to and following our guidance.
As adults, we may still doing this even though we are now able to keep ourselves safe, meet our own needs and support ourselves. We can also actually find people that will love and support us just for following our guidance and for being who we really are. There will be people who completely accept and respect us for who we really are and honor our decisions… but we have to make that shift into believing we are worthy of this and that is where the challenging part can be.
So, if you’re still looking to others (friends, your parents, your significant other, your children) to tell you what to do, how to live your life, make important decisions about your health, money, career, etc. than this is really you continuing to give your power away, not trusting yourself, not following your own guidance AND it is one of the root causes of stress, depression, anxiety, pain, weight and chronic illness.
The truth is that you are the only one that truly knows who you are and what you need. Whether it’s to heal your body, follow your purpose or fill in the blank. You are the only one that has your answers. You are the only one that knows what your heart truly desires. Learning to fully trust and follow your own guidance will support you 100% in making positive changes in all areas of your life and help you to heal whatever it is that you’re struggling with. It can take time to shift it as we have been doing it for so long.
So how do we learn to trust ourselves 100%? Trust and follow our own guidance? Here are some tips and tools to get started on your self trust journey.
1) Take a few moments to reflect with compassion and curiosity (never beating yourself up or making yourself wrong) on the following:
– While you were growing up, when and why did you stop trusting yourself and following your own guidance, being who you truly are?
– Who and what situation(s) are you still continuing to give your power away and looking to others for your answers?
2) Given what you find in that reflection, what beliefs do you hold about trusting yourself? What fears hold you back from trusting yourself? I recommend that you write them down and then for each one write an opposite/truth.
3) Once you are aware of the beliefs and have the truths you can work on shifting them with the guided therapeutic meditation practice AND you can also work on shifting them by writing the opposites/truths daily.
4) start carving out a little chunk of time daily to consciously connect with yourself and tap into your guidance, asking yourself a question and seeing if you get a yes or a no response and/or if your body gives you a response. We get our guidance in lots of different ways- a feeling in the body, hearing words, or just knowing. You can also use a guided therapeutic meditation practice to help get guidance.
Sending you lots of courage & love, Tanya 🙂
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