Trust Something Bigger {Key #4}
Hello, I’m Tanya Penny. In this post we will be focusing on key #4 of the Vibrant Body and Abundant Life Blueprint – Trust Something Bigger. If you haven’t signed-up to learn about all 10 keys yet, you can receive the Blueprint Guide, audio lesson and Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice by clicking here.
I’ll start with a snapshot of my journey to trusting Something Bigger. I walked away from religion (and spirituality) when I was 18. I didn’t know there was a difference between the two. I grew up Catholic and there was a lot of talk about religion but not really spirituality, they were the same thing in my world. I didn’t jive with what I was taught by the Catholic religion so I pretty much said I was done with religion as soon as I turned eighteen. I really didn’t come back to my spiritual self, consciously, until I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2004. This key was a part of my journey to healing the MS, anxiety, depression, past trauma and pretty much everything I was struggling with.
The truth is we are all connected to Something Bigger, always, whether we are aware of it or not. You might call it God, Source, Universe, Nature, etc., it really doesn’t matter what you call it. Many of us have become disconnected or shut it down for various reasons: we don’t make time, we’ve had negative experiences with religion or spirituality, negative experiences or trauma. When that happens we might say, “Well forget it, my God was a punishing God growing up and I want nothing to do with that”, or “I got a chronic illness or got into an accident or a loved one died so there must not be a God” or “I can’t trust this Something Bigger to take care of me because these bad things happened”.
When we cut ourselves off from S.B., it creates a lot of issues: stress, anxiety, depression and even chronic illness. That has been my personal experience and also from working with hundreds of clients. If you’re not fully connecting and trusting your S.B., you tend to be stuck in a lot of struggle and survival fears, busyness, over-doing, thinking you have to do it all alone.
When we do connect, trust in and follow our guidance from S.B., it helps us to feel more at peace, balanced, to make decisions based on divine guidance vs. ego fears or conditioned beliefs. It helps us to heal.
There are many ways that you can begin to build that trust and connect on a deeper level. I’m going to give you a few of those tips and tools, and then if you would like more support with this key and your healing journey, you can find all the ways below.
First, reflect on what beliefs you may be holding about connecting with, trusting and following S.B. What we believe impacts our emotions and how we behave and act in the world, the decisions we make etc. If you are holding any “negative”, self-limiting beliefs about connecting and trusting S.B., that will hold you back from fully doing so. You might have a belief that you can’t trust because something bad happened, or that you’ll get punished if you (fill in the blank). You may think, I can’t trust something bigger because in the past, I prayed and I didn’t get an answer, or I prayed and something nothing happened. You can discover what beliefs you hold by looking back at your past (what you saw, heard, experienced growing up) and by looking at your current reality. You might be in a current breakdown in one or more areas of your life, perhaps like me you have a chronic illness, maybe you have money stuff going on, abuse, etc. You might say that this area wouldn’t be in breakdown if I was really being taken care of by my S.B.. Write down the beliefs you discover and then an “opposite/positive truth” (even if you don’t believe it right now).
Second, I recommend using a guided therapeutic meditation practice as that will help you work with the beliefs that are keeping you from connecting, trusting and following the guidance of your S.B. You can try a sample guided practice here. It will also help you connect with yourself and your S.B. more deelpy, release fears and doubts, and feel more relaxed, energized. It’s one of the main tools me and my clients use daily.
Third, I recommend journaling daily, preferably in the morning, as I feel it’s really important to start your day by connecting with yourself and S.B. When I do it, which is most every day, my days can look completely different. I can wake up in anxiety and shift it to peace just by writing to my S.B. and asking for guidance. I’ll write my fears, what I want help with, a “prayer”, then I’ll sit for a few moments with my eyes closed and I’ll listen for guidance. It only takes a few minutes.
Last, another way that I like to connect and receive guidance is getting out in nature– whether it’s sitting, running, walking or hiking, and I will simply say “Higher levels, my ascended masters, archangels, God, right now I’m really feeling this way or I’m really struggling with this, I’m open to all of your love, support and guidance, show me loud and clear.” I can very much plug in and connect, I’m away from all of my distractions – the busyness, the computer, other people, etc.
Carve out 5-30 minutes a day to use the simple tips and tools above. Progress not perfection. Then when you are ready, find more support below.
xoxo Tanya 🙂
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