Stress Less & Nurture You
“Stressing Less & Living A Balanced Life” is an essential key to healing your body & receiving more in ALL areas of your life.
Truth: Stress blocks your guidance & taking actions that nurture you and are in alignment with your heart & soul.
The #1 cause of stress is FEAR. Our fear-based thoughts & beliefs are what keep us from taking actions that nurture us & move us towards our heart’s desire.
What are the most common fears/beliefs that keep you paralyzed, cause you to over-do & make you crazy?
-I should do more, work harder or ELSE …(fill in the blank).
-I have to be, do it perfect or “right”.
-If I do or say x, y, or z I will lose love, approval or money.
-If I speak up for myself or shine my light/am seen I will be rejected or hurt.
If we don’t shift these beliefs/fears, then we stay stuck in fear-based actions AND either end up sick (acute or chronic), have a breakdown in another life area (love, money, career, etc.) OR BOTH!
Tips & tools to Stress Less, Nurture You & Live a Balanced Life:
1) Reflect/Write- Where am I falling into “All or Nothing” Syndrome in my life? Money, cleaning, eating healthy, movement/exercise, a project, work, etc.?
2) What can I do in moderation today? Even for 15-30 minutes or 25-50%, AND feel good about (vs. doing nothing or over-doing)?
3) Block time in your schedule daily for rest & play (at least 15-30 min for each).
4) Is there anything on your “to-do” list that can be delegated to someone else (work or personal), hired out, put on the shelf for later, or let go of all-together?
5) Listen to a guided TMP practice to shift your fears/beliefs, release stress & heal illness HERE
6) Join us for the “Stress Less & Nurture You” Program HERE
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