Prioritze, Let Go, & Create Balance!
Are you feeling overwhelmed, scattered, or out of balance? Wishing you had more hours in the day? Well we both know that is not going to happen. 🙂
The truth is that we need to learn how to prioritize, say no, and give ourselves permission to change our mind if what we have said yes to no longer feels “right” to us. You can do anything you want BUT you can not do everything. You are not Superwoman (or Superman)!
Take some time to look at what you have piled onto “your plate” and if it is still a priority for you, if it truly aligns with your goals and life vision. Watch this video to learn a simple process to help you to prioritize and let go!
If a healthy body and lifestyle are a priority and you are ready to let go of excess weight and body shame then join me for my “3 Keys to Love Your Body & Lose Weight” 90-Day Virtual Program: Achieve & Maintain the Healthy Body and Lifestyle You Desire! Register by August 30th and receive a 1:1 coaching session to help you kick start your healthy body and life! Click HERE for all the details!
Love today’s video, Tanya! I’ve been feeling the need to clear my plate of some things and as some commitments for the next few weeks have gotten cancelled, I’m feeling really relieved. I’m feeling that some things I felt were really important don’t rate that high on my list any longer and that I want to concentrate more on others. Thank you for helping me to organize my thought around this!