You are here to EVOLVE…
Connect with the POWER of your Soul, RISE above all your limits, to give & receive more LOVE in all forms.
On your journey, it helps to have loads of compassion, support, and tools.
Whether you’re experiencing…
Negative body symptoms or an illness (stomach, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight, pain, thyroid, autoimmune disorder, cancer, etc.).
Are ready to heal a past wound or trauma on a deeper level (There are often many layers).
Have a breakdown in another life area – self-love, relationships, money, career/life purpose, spirituality.
✨Let me gift you my EVOLVE Starter Kit. In it, you’ll find my 10 Keys Blueprint Guide, video lessons, guided therapeutic meditation practice, and other powerful tools- all to support you on your journey.
Enter your details below to get started with your EVOLVE Starter Kit.
PLUS you’ll receive the details to apply for a complimentary session with me (normally $297).
Sending you hope, compassion, & courage for your journey. Remember you are not meant to do this alone.
I look forward to supporting you on the other side! Tanya 🙂
Tanya Penny, is an OTR, Illness & Trauma Guide, Spiritual Alchemist, Author of Connect with The Divine You book & journals. She teaches, empowers, and supports you to heal your body & past trauma, fully love & be your true Self, and wake up to the powerful Soul that you are using her Mind-Body-Soul methodology. Tanya experienced anxiety, depression, pain, GI issues, and had challenges with weight & eating disorders. In 2004, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That was her first wake-up call that there were some deeper issues in need of love, attention, and release, that medications, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions couldn’t touch. It wasn’t easy (she had to peel back the layers and really look into her Self) and it wasn’t quick (it took years), but she completely healed. Tanya is the creator of and teaches the Therapeutic Meditation Process™ (T.M.P.), The 3P’s™, and the 10 EVOLVE Keys™, trusting that they will find their way into the hearts and lives of those who need it, and are ready to go deeper on their journey. She supports you on your journey through virtual private sessions & group programs, and in-person retreats.