Do you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or unhappy?
Maybe you long for more “you time” to relax & do what you love… but you seem to put other’s needs and desires first.
Perhaps you over-schedule and over-commit… often to things you don’t even want to do.
You rarely ask for help, carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and think you SHOULD be able to do it all… and when you can’t, you beat yourself up and feel guilty.
Your inner critic torments you no matter how much you do or how hard you try…”You’re not good enough, you never do enough, you should or shouldn’t have done that”.
The 3P Patterns – Perfection, People Pleasing, and Pretending to be Super Human – were coping mechanisms you took on as a child to get approval, love, your needs met, stay safe and survive.
NOW as an adult, they are causing you TONS of stress… maybe even a health issue (excess weight, pain, headaches, insomnia, GI issues, autoimmune disorder, cancer, etc.).
They are also the biggest blocks to you receiving & following your intuition. These patterns also negatively impact your relationships, your finances, and your career/purpose.
It’s time to bring these parts of you into balance (they are good, just not when used to the extreme) so you can be the unique Soul you are here to be on the planet.
I can’t wait to support you to feel & be truly FREE.
xoxo Tanya
Your Journey To Peace & Joy
- Feel more peace & joy daily
- Have more self-acceptance & self-compassion
- Connect more deeply with your Soul
- Fully receive & follow your guidance
- Put you first on your to-do list
- Trust your Self & feel more self-empowered
- Explore a new approach to healing your body & trauma
Experience True Freedom
You took on all (3) of these patterns to some degree when you were younger in order to survive (receive love, get your needs met, avoid harm).
They may have supported you as a child, but now they are causing stress & illness, keeping you from knowing & being your true Self, receiving & following your Soul’s guidance, receiving love & support in relationships.
Now it is time for you to bring them into balance, so you can heal your body, experience true freedom & fully live the life your Soul is here to experience.
Your Perfectionist
Your “inner critic” that is constantly judging you, beating you up for making mistakes, and telling you that “you’re never good enough”. It is always comparing you to others. It causes you to feel anxious and depressed. It holds you back from taking the actions your Soul is guiding you to take for fear of failure, making a mistake, being criticized or embarrassed. Discover where this part of you comes from and tools to shift it, so you be your own best friend, feel more peace & joy, plus fully receive and follow your guidance.
Your People Pleaser
Says yes when a part of you really want to say no. It puts others wants, needs, and desires before your own. It does things that it doesn’t want to or that are even harmful to you, in order to receive other people’s acceptance, approval, love (and avoid conflict). Release the “need to please” and gently shine the light on all the fears & limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in this pattern, so you can heal, be happy, and follow your heart. Learn tools to give yourself the love and approval you long for so you can stop trying to get it (at all costs) from others. Listen to your Soul’s guidance and take actions that align with your desires, so you can have a healthy body & co-create a life you love.
Your Pretending To Be Super Human
Thinks you need to do more to be loved, good enough, or to succeed. That you are responsible for everything AND everyone. You have trouble asking for support because you SHOULD be able to do it all, alone (and feel guilty when you can’t). You over-schedule and are always busy. The truth is that you need time to play, heal, and rest so you can fill your cup and be the contribution you are here to be. Getting support and delegating is necessary, not weak. Let go of the beliefs that you have to do more (and more) in order to be worthy, lovable, or have abundance/success. Learn how to tame your Super Woman or Man so you have time to breathe, nurture you, AND do what you love from a place of inspired action (vs. ego fear-based action).
Simple Steps To Start Healing Today
Instant Access– Once you enroll in the program by clicking a button below, you’ll receive immediate access to all your 3P materials: audio lessons, guided therapeutic meditation practices, self healing processes, and other resources to support you on your healing journey.
Private Support- You will have (1) 60-minute private session with me via Zoom (phone or video) so I can more deeply support you to shift your 3P patterns and bring them into balance so you can heal, listen to your intuition/Soul, and feel more happy & free.
Group Support– We will then meet for (1) live virtual workshop (Zoom video or phone). The next live workshop is on Saturday, November 16 @ 10am Pacific. During the workshop you can ask me questions, plus receive personal guidance & healing (you choose the P that needs your attention most). If you can’t attend live, you can email me your progress, aha’s, questions, and challenges, then listen to the recording.
Tools – You will receive many tools during this program (write & reflect prompts, music playlists, essential oil recommendations, etc.) – The guided therapeutic meditation practices and self-healing processes are (2) of the most powerful. They will support you to shift the limiting beliefs & fears that cause your 3P patterns to go into over-drive (extreme).
Your 3P Journey Includes
- (1) 60-Minute Private Session
- (1) 3 Hour Intro Video + MP3 Recording
- (3) Audio lessons (1 for each P)
- (1) Live 2 Hour Virtual Workshop + Recording
- (6) Guided Therapeutic Meditation Practice MP3’s (15 & 30 minute practice for each P)
- (3) Self-Healing Process MP3’s (1 for each P)
- (1) 3P Truth Loop MP3
- BONUS: 25% Off Alumni Discount
Yes, I’m ready to set myself FREE!
I highly recommend working with Tanya for a more successful business and life!
I am so grateful to have to Tanya Penny as my coach. When I started my consulting business I had no idea that the hardest thing wouldn't be sales but learning how to let go of perfection so that every project didn't take me two or three times as along as I had estimated. With Tanya's support, I've learned how to identify when I'm going into "analysis paralysis" and perfection and avoid, or at least stop doing them faster, using the tools Tanya has taught me to ground myself. If you struggle with perfection and overwhelm, I highly recommend working with Tanya for a more successful business and life!
CH Consulting
Working with Tanya for the last 12 years has changed my life in the best ways possible.
Coach For Mom's (And Mom's To Be)